Two types of autoregulation exist:
Earlier investigations of cerebral blood flow regulation relied on steady-state blood pressures for valid measures of cerebral autoregulation. This method was time consuming and required invasive procedures such as the Kety-Schmidt technique, using Xenon Xe 133 as a tracer. Moreover, the traditional steady-state techniques lacked the temporal resolution to identify the dynamic vascular changes that occur within seconds.
Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation is based on transient changes in cerebral blood flow in response to sudden changes in arterial pressure. The sudden changes in arterial pressure can be induced by a variety of techniques such as deflation of bilateral thigh cuffs, postural alteration, Valsalva maneuver, lower-body negative pressure, isometric hand-grip exercise, and pharmacologic interventions.
Several analyses using time and frequency domains are utilized to examine dynamic cerebral autoregulation with TCD.
Abnormalities in cerebral autoregulation are thought to occur in a number of clinical disorders such as stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, postpartum angiopathy, eclampsia, syncope, and traumatic brain injury.
Purkayastha S, Sorond F. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound: technique and application. Semin Neurol. 2012;32(4):411–420. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1331812
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