Digi-Lite provides a complete diagnostic solution for the modern neurosonology or neurovascular laboratory.
It measures the blood flow velocity in the main arteries of the brain, noninvasively, to facilitate the detection of stenoses and emboli flowing in the bloodstream.
Revolutionary signal acquisition software uses a patented predictive algorithm to seek, track and maintain the best Doppler signal on every main blood vessel of the brain.
Our LMY-3 headset equipped with 2 Mhz probes, ensures stable positioning on the head while the software automatically adjusts and finds the best doppler signal for accurate results.
Manual tracking
The manual TCD tracking process requires time and resources from the clinical team and creates a risk for errors
Auto-Track ™ streamlines the diagnostic & monitoring processes, reducing the risk of errors and improving workflow efficiency.
Auto-Track allows Neurology , Stroke & NICU clinical teams to focus on the patient instead of technicalities, promoting a better patient care.
User-friendly, intuitive and flexible, simple to operate
High Doppler sensitivity allows detection of flow velocity on the contralateral side of the brain
Optional imaging probe enables accurate, color-coded ultrasound scanning of the entire carotid system
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